torsdag den 29. december 2011

onsdag den 28. december 2011

Blog boom this Desember
You will probably expect some new photos from me this week or the next....

tirsdag den 27. december 2011

Went downtown today
it's nice spending time with my sisters.
I'm trying to find a new look that i like for my blog, 
It's kind  of hard but I hope i will find it soon

søndag den 25. december 2011

I've had a really nice time over the holidays
And it's good to have my sisters back 
Me and my sister, Bryndis took some pictures that i want to share with you.
happy xxxxmas

onsdag den 21. december 2011

torsdag den 15. december 2011

Christmas dress, Yes or No ??­

New photos of the dress i made.
Butttt, i'm thinking of taking a little break from my blog over the holidays
But maybe if i'm in the mood i'll blogg a little.
Should i wear this dress on Christmas eve??­ ­­ ??­ ­
I'm going to think about it,
Looking forward to hear from you readers after just about three weeks or so :))

søndag den 20. november 2011

A dress that me + my mom made the other dayy,
It has a chiffon textured shirt that is under a white colored dress.
hope u like,

tirsdag den 8. november 2011

An old song from the early 90s... why can't i go back in time?
Some pictures that i have changed,  hope you like
[that's me in the middle]

søndag den 6. november 2011

An angels voice, i have to say.
gotta go study so... enjoy
i made that ring down there..

tirsdag den 1. november 2011

An inside from my bedroom and a vest that i made from a shirt.
Enjoy while listening to The xx

torsdag den 27. oktober 2011

it's been a really long time...
 i'm trying to figure out if i should change my levis shorts in some way. I'm letting myself be creative,
 i hope it will turn out just fine
So what have you guys been up to lately??
That song is dope

onsdag den 12. oktober 2011

I can't believe it's almost been a years since i had my blog, frightening how quickly time passes.
 On that occation i'm going to post some looks from the past year.
My style has changed a lot since then and it will probably keep changing.
Show me your opinion of what you think's the best look by commenting below the photos :))
Please take a look at my other blog..

mandag den 10. oktober 2011

Maxi dressss

An old vintages dress from my mom i think
 He's definitely going to be my christmas dress this year.
love, steinunn

søndag den 2. oktober 2011

Je t'aime

Hi there !
I've found a lot of nice things in my basement lately
Included these vintages shorts from my mom and this old camera from my father.
I made a vest from my shirt which you can see on the photos, love itttt
  Happy October..
Au revoir lecteurs