søndag den 29. januar 2012

That's Mmeee 
in a magazine in Iceland, called Frettatiminn
Thank you all for looking by my blog <3
This is what's written..

Steinunn Helga Þorsteinsdóttir is a Fifteen year old blogger
 that goes to primary school in Iceland.
“My style is very diverse and different each day. 
The 80's and 90's inspire me a lot 
and that is the style I mostly dress like. 
I buy most of my clothes in Monki, Topshop 
and American apperal, once I have the opportunity
 because those stores don’t exist in Iceland.
  There is this one designer I look up to, Rosa.Bryndis.
 They are located in Denmark, Copenhagen
and make innovative and architecture inspired women wear
 The british fashionista Alexa Chung is one of my favorite,
 She goes her own ways and has a way of making the style her own.

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