mandag den 25. juni 2012

My summer has been greatt so far.
Haven't watched that many movies, but i will.
 I've actually added a bunch of movies on my Imdb account
So here are some of the movies i'm about to watch or seen before.

 Restless [2011]

 Almost famous [2000]

The royal Tenenbaums [2001]


Youth in revolt [2009]
Almost famous [2000]
Lord of the flies [1990]
The royal Tenenbaums [2001]
Amélie [2001]
Restless [2011]
Whip it [2009]
Crazy/Beautiful [2001]
Ghost world [2001]

lørdag den 23. juni 2012

torsdag den 21. juni 2012

I've been reading this blog called for some while now
I like almost everything she owns and she kind of wears my dream style
Her name is Melissa Bech and she lives in Denmark

Spotding Closet #4 with Melissa Bech from SpotdingTV on Vimeo.

mandag den 11. juni 2012

I had to post this song
Though i didn't find it myself i really love it
i'm iiin love so i dl their album.
I wished i blogged more often
I will,  ..this summerrr

torsdag den 7. juni 2012

So yesterday i graduated from my school
it was sad but really nice at the same time.
happyyysummer <3

mandag den 4. juni 2012

Some good songs i'm in love withh at the moment
Cut my hair few days ago
i hated my old haiiir
Not a greattt picture but here you can see
what i wore to a school thiiing last week.