fredag den 29. april 2011
onsdag den 27. april 2011
Ahhhh, my sister is the coolest!
She got into a group of 26 girls that will be competing
in Danmark's next top model This may
After the first round 13 girls will be dropped out
and the rest will continue to compete in the competition
She's so gonna rock their heads out and win this !
I think the summer is coming, Finally after this loooong winter...
But when i define summer here in Iceland i mean 20 degrees top
Summer here is so lovely and the stillness is uncredible
byebye, and my best wishes to my beautiful sister, Unnur
mandag den 25. april 2011
Les Bons Moments
Just escaded the rain that is going on NOW after running few miles in the sun
My best friend birthday is today so we're going to celebrate tonight
in a place that's called " Hamborgarafabrikkan ", it tastes really good
So here i am sitting in front of my computer undressed
I've got to go to my king sizes closet homies
My best friend birthday is today so we're going to celebrate tonight
in a place that's called " Hamborgarafabrikkan ", it tastes really good
So here i am sitting in front of my computer undressed
I've got to go to my king sizes closet homies
søndag den 24. april 2011
lørdag den 23. april 2011
Founded in 2010 by Japanese designers.
Just recently " discovered " this design and immediately fell in love with it
Very elegant and looks comfortable, something that i seek for in clothes
Wished i had some of those clothes in my closet
I can't say it would brighten up my closet but at least make it more fashionable and interesting
What i've seen [ not much! ] they prefer black, but they've got colors in between
These days i really love natural colors so i guess their F/W collection fits me.
It would make me happy to have one of those leather jackets
fredag den 22. april 2011
The Virgin Suicides
Today i watched Breakfast at Tiffany's
That movie is so sweet, Audrey Hepburn character Holly Golightly is this mysterious girl that falls in and out of love with different mens. Then she meets this guy who lives above her. Holly is very poor but gets attention from guys for her looks and personality. Paul is a writer and isn't that rich either so they click perfectly together. Sweet but very un understood story. hmmm...
This easter break i'm taking my time to chill and watch good films
So what should my next movie be??
torsdag den 21. april 2011
Forever Young
I don't want to go to collages
The thought of it is so threatening
All i want is being forever young.
So i'll watch 10 things i hate about you
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt , Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger †
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